Inaugurational lecture for appointment as associate professor (venia legendi) at Pázmány Péter University, Budapest, 1942. Board members: Prof. F. Kiss and Prof. I. Törő
John Szentágothai (J. Sz.) with wife Alice and the daughters. Pécs, 1952
At the Hungarian Physiological Congress, Szeged, 1955
AJ. Sz. performing stereotaxic surgery with technician G. Forgó. Pécs, 1956
J. Sz. drawing and analyzing maps of cat hypothalamus. Pécs, 1956
Making a statement from his silvestrine ?throne?. Bottom right: B. Flerkó, top right: G. Szekely. Mecsek hills near Pécs, 1956
Anatomy lecture. Pécs, 1957
Anatomy lecture. Pécs, 1957
Demonstrating the topography of female pelvic organs with living subjects. Pécs, 1957
Anatomy lecture. Pécs, 1957
With B. Flerkó. Pécs, 1957
With his favourite sketchbook in the Mecsek hills. Right: J. Hámori. 1957
In the library with Prof. G. Romhányi. Pécs, 1958
Graphic demonstration of the eye for anatomy students. Pécs, around 1958