At the opening ceremony of the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1981 with cultural secretary of the Central Committee of Hungarian Socialist Workers? Party, ideology chief G. Aczél and Prime Minister of Hungary, G. Lázár
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Greeting by Prof. T. Tömböl
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Greeting by Prof. T. Tömböl
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Keynote speech by J.Sz.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Sz.J. demonstrating a thalamic relay neuron based on his own drawing.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Moments from his lecture.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Moments from his lecture.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Moments from his lecture.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Moments from his lecture.
Celebrating the 70th birthday and 35th anniversary of his professorship at the University of Pécs, 1982, Moments from his lecture.
Participants of the international symposium at the Pécs University, 1982
International symposium, Pécs, 1982. T. Bulloch presenting his lecture, listened by J. Eccles and J.Sz.
International symposium, Pécs, 1982. J. Eccles, .Sz. J. V. Chan-Palay.
International symposium, Pécs, 1982. With Professor Jung.
International symposium, Pécs, 1982. I. Törő and J. Eccles.
Presenting the gold medal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to B.F. Straub
J.Sz. among the awardees of Doctor Honoris Causa title of the University of Oxford.
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
Snapshots from a suggestive lecture on the brain. Around 1985
In the company of J. Hamori and T. Tran Minh Nhon (Budapest, around 1985)
Together with the member of the Neurobiology Research Group (head: J. Hamori, around the end of the eighties)
In the company of old friends and colleauges in the library of the Anatomy Department in Budapest, (around 1990)
In the company of J. Axelrod and T. Freund at the Congress Center of Budapest (around the end of eighties)
Celebrating John Szentagothai's 80th Birthday in the Anatomy Department. 1992, Budapest (K. Majorossy, T. Tombol and J. Sz.)
On the occasion of his 80th birthday, J. Sz. together with some members of the Neuromorphology Research group (the laboratory of M. Palkovits)
On the occasion of his 80th birthday, J. Sz. together with some members of the Neurobiology Research Group, headed by J. Hamori
In the home of J. Szentagothai with his wife, Alice (left) and with his firiends, Tauba and Pedro Pasik (sitting) (Budapest, around 1992)
In the home of J. Szentagothai, with his wife, Alice and with J. Hamori (Budapest, around 1992)
Reception at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (in the Bartok Saloon, aroud the mid eighties, Budapest)
Reception at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (with J.P. Changeux, around the mid eighties, Budapest)
Participants of a Scientific Meeting celebrating the 90th Birthday pf J. Eccles (Frankfurt, 1993)
in the library of the Anatomy Department with M. Majorossy and E. Mezey (Budapest, around 1993)
Informal conversation if the lab of M. Palkovits (around the mid eighties, Budapest)
Evaluating the new research microskope wiht M. Palkovits (around the mid-eighties, Budapest)
Appreciation of M. Palkovits on the occasion of the Rienecker Award and Gold Medal (Würtzbirg, 1993)
Together with the laureate M. Palkovits (Rienecker Award and Gold Medal) and with the participants of the scientific meeting (Würzburg, 1993)
Together with the laureate M. Palkovits (Rienecker Award and Gold Medal (1993) and with the participants of the scientific meeting (Würtzburg, 1993)
At the white table on the occasion to honour M. Palkovits with the Rienecker Award and Gold Medal (Würtzburg, 1993)
Last known photo in his office, with E, Mezey and her daughter (Budapest, August, 1994)
In the afternoon of a heavy day in his office at the Anatomy Department (Budapest, August, 1994)
J. Szentagothai and his wife, Alice, returning from the D.Sc. defending session of T. Freund (in tha yard of the Anatomy Department)
Together in the eternity (the tomb of J. Szentagothai an his wife, Biberauer Alice in the graveyard of Farkasrét, Budapest)